What about ordering for the Holiday Season?

December is quite exciting at Susansnaps and our busiest time of the year! It is NEVER too early to order for the holidays! Please organize your list & contact us as early as possible and we can set your order aside with a ship date for December. You may place your order by phone (404) 497-9210, fax (404) 497-9211, or email . Once we receive your order, within 48 hours you will receive a confirmation phone call.

How are orders completed?

We process orders as we receive them. To specify a specific ship date, please call us directly (404) 497-9210 or e-mail us at . We can take your order over the phone or we can pull your online order and add a ship date.

What if I have allergies?

The most common allergies in Susansnaps are: eggs, peanut butter, coconut, or please refer to our ingredient list.

We use only natural ingredients & we do not add any preservatives. We do use peanut butter in our pnuttysnaps. If you have any of these allergies, we suggest you not eat Susansnaps. While of course we would like your business, we’d rather you be safe than sorry!

Can I freeze Susansnaps?

Susansnaps do stay fresh for 4 months just they way they are. But, if you choose to freeze, Susansnaps freeze beautifully and can last up to a year!